Doesn’t it seem like rainy days fall on Sundays more often than not? And isn’t that the best?

After church, we came home and went straight to bed for a long rainy day nap. I mean, we straight up WENT TO BED. I hate the way that makes me feel usually, actually getting under covers and drawing the curtains instead of dozing on the couch, but today it was exceptional. When I woke up, I sliced an apple, turned on Sufjan Stevens, opened the screen doors to hear the rain, and got to work on a Christmas house portrait commissioned by our friend Whitney, the wife of our state auditor.

She’s sending these out to over 1,000 people so I felt a lot of pressure to get things just right. It was a long, tedious painting session today, but I’m excited to see it finished tomorrow, hopefully. Afterward, we went with Mal and Jim to take over some of her homemade potato soup and biscuits to Josh and Em since they came home with the baby late last night.

And soon after this photo was taken, the tornado sirens starting wailing all over the city and we had a pretty scary half hour watching the news, ready to run to the basement if things got too rough outside. Fortunately, it blew over without event and we’re all safe and sound. Tomorrow, we’ll wake up and this balmy weather will be gone with another wintry cold day in its place. Hooray!
