Abby Lee Miller and Kelly Hyland have finally put their long-running Dance Moms feud to bed, and they settled on relatively innocuous terms.

If you watch Dance Moms online, or even if you don’t, you are likely aware of what a beast Abby Lee Miller can be at her Dance Company.

The moms who send their kids there often aren’t much better.

Following an insane incident captured on the Lifetime reality show (above), Hyland sued Miller, accusing her adversary of all sorts of things.

The fact that Abby Lee tried to "eat her face", for one.

She actually sued twice, once for a brawl during a taping of the show, and again for causing emotional stress on her 13-year-old daughter.

After over a year, the case was settled last week in L.A.

According to court documents, Hyland agreed to drop her lawsuits against Abby and Collins Ave Entertainment, the production company.

Dance Moms can still use Kelly and her daughter’s image in show reruns … but they did have to cough up $17,500 for new floors for Kelly.

Yes, Hyland claims her hardwoods were damaged during production, and somehow, that was the concession she ended up getting here.

Emotional distress. Punitive damages. Who needs it.

A little paid-for home renovation always takes the sting out of a lawsuit that didn’t quite materialize into the millions you’d hoped, no?

It’s not clear what brought them to the negotiating table, but the pact also says that the two parties must maintain a friendly front …

Good luck with that.

Abby Lee Miller: The Beast of the East (Coast)

