7 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

Is someone making a live feeds thread or how does it work these days? 🤔

That thread is probably going to be a wasteland this year. With Paramount rolling back the rewind and archive features, I don't see how it's going to be conceivable to get substantive recaps of what is happening in the house (unless @30 Helens or @peachmangosteen volunteer to forego work, sleep, bathing and personal relationships to become recluses and keep their eyes on the feeds 24/7 to slavishly keep us updated lol). This is feeling like the beginning of the end of the show.

This may be the summer I end up getting a Big Brother divorce. My interest has been waning for a while. I think I made it to zombie week last season (what an absolutely asinine idea), and for the first time in the history of the show, I didn't even bother tuning into the finale. The episodes are so poorly edited, I just don't see the show sustaining my interest without the feeds. Regardless, I've been with the show since season 2 and I have a lot of fond memories, so if this is the end of the road, it's been a great run!

Edited July 17 by UniqBlue69
