Goddess Bhoomi Devi bestows the ability to win property disputes and resolve other property-related issues in their favour on her worshippers. Bhoomi Devi is a Hindu goddess. Puja is performed to summon the goddess Bhoomi devi’s powers in order to overcome challenges of land and property. By requesting the blessings of goddess Bhoomi Devi, one can attain success in concerns of land and property.

The Goddess Mother Earth is Bhoomi Devi, also known as Bhu Devi. Bhoomi Devi is Earth Goddess or Land Goddess, as Bhoomi means earth and Devi means goddess. Vishnu Avatar Varaha’s celestial wife is Bhumi Devi. Her son is the demon Narakasura. Lakshmi’s fertility form is Bhudevi. She is the daughter of Kashyap Prajapati and is known as Kashyapi in Hindu mythology. Bhumi Devi is Satyabhama and Sri Krishna’s wife in the Dwapara Yuga. Satyabhama, Bhoomi Devi’s avatar, killed the demon Narakasura.

Before any form of construction work on the new property is begun, the land is examined to determine if there is any defect of any kind on the land or any unintended error on the part of the land’s owner. If this occurs, Mother Earth, with the help of Bhoomi Poojan, bestows her grace by forgiving all forms of errors. When a person acquires property, it’s common for the land to have been desecrated by the previous owner’s wrongdoings, therefore it’s re-consecrated through land worship. The construction process is supposed to be finished smoothly if Bhoomi Pujan is performed. There is no loss of life during or after building, and other concerns are alleviated at the same time.

Bhumi Devi Puja Mantra

Om Vasundharaya vidmahe Bhutadhatraya dhimahi Tanno Bhumih prachodayat
भूमि देवी गायत्री मंत्र: ओम वसुंधराय विद्महे भूताधात्रय धीमहि तन्नो भूमिः प्रचोदयात

Benefits of Bhoomi Devi Puja

  • To obtain Goddess Bhumi Devi’s blessings in order to win land and property conflicts.
  • Inland and property conflicts, to gain the upper hand.
  • It aids in the removal of planets’ detrimental effects.
