A document reader for the PS Vita ported from the PSP application bookr-mod, canonically based on the HBS version.

You can find some notes about the project here.


  • Uses the full resolution of the Vita.
  • Has support for more than just PDF, thanks to newer muPDF.
  • Handles all formats muPDF can handle (PDF, CBZ, HTML, ePub, fb2).
  • D-Pad Up/Down of Document.
  • Left Analog Panning.
  • Saves/Loads last position in a book and on page turn.
  • UI Looks similar to Original.


Install the VPK on your homebrew enabled PS Vita or PS TV.

Put any compatible ebooks somewhere in ux0: e.g. ux0:Books.



Cross - Choose Item

Circle - Cancel

Triangle - Parent Folder in FileManger

D-Pad - Select File

Start - Show/Hide Menu


Triangle - Next Page

Square - Previous Page

Circle - Previous 10 Pages

Cross - Next 10 Pages

Up/Down D-Pad - Pan Up and Down

Left Analog - Free Pan with Bounds

Start - Show/Hide Menu


bookrmodvita3.png bookrmodvita4.png

bookrmodvita5.png bookrmodvita6.png

bookrmodvita7.png bookrmodvita8.png



Known issues

  • Very High Resolution Images in CBZ don't render properly.
  • Opening files sometimes fails due to fopen failing. This shows as an error and trying again usually works.



  • Introducing a big refactor to the codebase.
    • Somewhat more readable and maintainable.
  • Adding Switch Support (.nro) (and Desktop).
    • Same button layout as vita right now.
    • Vita -> Switch Button Mapping.
      • X -> B is for Selecting on the Menu/File Browser.
      • Triangle -> X Next Page or Go up a folder.
      • Select -> - Bottom Menu for Bookmarks/Rotate/Fit to Height/Width while reading.
      • Start -> + Open Main Menu.
  • Updated to latest MuPDF (v1.18).
  • Vita has access to more partitions like: ur0: an uma0:.


  • Fixed an issue with rotation which resulted in incorrect scaling (#15). Now handling page bounds transforms with individual matrices.
  • Rotation and scaling information is now in bookmarks and state when exiting.
  • Tools menu shows action and sub-actions, e.g. to delete bookmarks.
  • Fixed tools menu pixelation issue due to scaling font


  • Added ability to zoom and rotate.
  • Re-open file after waking from sleep due to #9 and#13.
  • Using latest MuPDF (v1.13.0).
  • Added select menu (Press select when reading) for other functions.
    • Bookmarks.
    • Book Traversal.
    • Fit to Width/Height.
    • Rotation.


  • Doubling newlib heap size to allow high res. files.
  • Button preferences save correctly.
  • Load scrolled state correctly.
  • Save state on page turn.
  • Version number now looks cooler.


  • Save/load state when closing/opening book.
  • Main Menu looking similar to orig.
  • Analog panning has bounds.
  • Free icon/logo textures.



  • Changed project to GPLv3 and replace old mupdf with upstream fork of 1.12.0.
  • Note: Statically linking MuPDF has made binary significantly bigger.
  • CMake will pull and build mupdf via git; due to size and number of submodules.


  • Now rendering all documents handled by MuPDF; needs more user testing.
  • BKMUDocument replacing old PSP BKPDF class (has too much PSP specific code)...
  • Page traversal using Triangle and Square (Isn't this Un-Intuitive?); D-Pad panning only vertically for now.
  • Page fits to width by default.
  • Added more specific debug definitions for rendering, since they eat stdout like cookie monster eating cookies.
  • Can pan using analog left stick, but it's hard to get it back to fit-to-width due to panning sensitivity.
  • Banner shows page loading and page number on change; investigate animation smoothing.
  • Add "DEBUG" flag only on the "Debug" cmake build type; Add accepted files to Logo.
  • Fix for crash due to GPU memory leak: free-ing texture before drawing page.

Visual Studio & Desktop:

  • Dependencies now auto fetched via cmake ExternalProject_Add.
  • Shared libraries and binary output in same dir.


External links
