Bethesda is hitting the headlines again thanks to its recent decision to ban a Fallout 76 player for “having too much ammo.”

The real kicker here is that the player, who shared his story on Reddit [via TwistedVoxel] under the name Glorf12, had spent more than 900 hours playing the online multiplayer before the ban, and was simply sharing his expertise on Reddit. Unfortunately, it seems like his expertise hasn’t sat well with Bethesda, who’s accused him of cheating.

Check out the screenshot of the email from Bethesda Software below.

@SpawnWaveMedia @bethesda banned a legitimate Fallout 76 player who spent more than 900 hours to farm rare materials, ammo, and other game loot. They banned the account for having too much ammo according to the ban report shared by the player.

— iT3Kk N1Kk (@it3kk_n1kk) February 19, 2019

Sharing the screenshot of the email from Bethesda, along with a detailed post about how he thinks it happened, he adds: “I cannot be more adamant that I have never once owned an item in excess of 100,000 and I believe I have been banned due to others reporting me.

“I often use 2 accounts to transfer items between my characters. I even detail it in the comments of the above reddit post how and why I do this. My belief is that people see a level 450+ player trading with a level 2 character and immediately think REPORT HIM REPORT HIM REPORT HIM. I even get some players who harass me when I’m attempting to trade items.

“Bethesda you need to fix this NOW. Not in a future patch. Not in a month. Now. You have banned the only legitimate player base left playing your game. I will be inputting support tickets non stop all day today.”

Unfortunately, his account is yet to be reinstated, but it’s not looking very positive for Bethesda and Twitter has a lot to say on the matter.

*Guy plays Fallout 76 for 900 hours*


— Virtual Hedgehog (@GK037) February 20, 2019

I just read a post on reddit last night where this dude is going on and on and on about like 900 hours he put into Fallout 76 and the second I get out of work today, i see a brand new post, same person, and theyve been banned. Way to kill your best customer right?! Lmfao

— Time: The Avenger (@FW_CLINTON) February 19, 2019

Better fix this quick, Bethesda!

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda
