Explore the world of IQ Dungeon, an RPG that challenges your brain through over 300 levels of puzzles and challenges. Here you will find all the detailed walkthrough guide to the IQ Dungeon game. Download it from Google Play Store and iOS App Store developed by: Hirameku Inc.

IQ Dungeon Game Answers:

IQ Dungeon Level 1 – Find a gold coin to buy armor for your character by sliding a grass to uncover it.
IQ Dungeon Level 2 – Tap the Princess, drag the “Help” dialogue to the goblin to rescue her.
IQ Dungeon Level 3 – Tilt your phone to drop a rock on the approaching goblins.
IQ Dungeon Level 4 – Defeat enemies of levels 2 and 3 first to level up your character before fighting level 1 goblin.
IQ Dungeon Level 5 – Locate the hidden entrance by dragging the scene to the left.
IQ Dungeon Level 6 – Slide branches to unveil a statue, tap the left-side eyes, then unlock the dungeon door.
IQ Dungeon Level 7 – Attack the goblin as it’s about to attack you to reduce its health.
IQ Dungeon Level 8 – Rearrange statues based on posters and move the knight to the damaged statue spot to open the gate.
IQ Dungeon Level 9 – Build a wall using the given image to escape.
IQ Dungeon Level 10 – Collect a key, open the treasure box for a sword, defeat the goblin, and escape through the path.
IQ Dungeon Level 11 – Save the Princess: Tilt your device to the right to trap the demon and rescue the princess.
IQ Dungeon Level 12 – Stop the Water: Press and hold the hole to stop the water and retrieve the knife.
IQ Dungeon Level 13 – Defeat the Orc: Tap the jump and sword buttons as the orc attacks to defeat it.
IQ Dungeon Level 14 – Go through the Path: Follow the sequence 6, 1, 4, 3, and 2 to reach the exit, avoiding orcs.
IQ Dungeon Level 15 – Escape from the Room: Place your finger on the orc’s eyes, then drag the knight to the exit.
IQ Dungeon Level 16 – Escape from this Difficult Situation: Tilt your device right while holding the knight and princess.
IQ Dungeon Level 17 – Where’s the King (1)? Drag the knight to the princess, tap the person by the chair, lift the princess, discover the king on the right, drag the chair to find stairs.
IQ Dungeon Level 18 – Where’s the King (2)? Drag the knight to cut ropes, climb the ladder, and jump on platforms.
IQ Dungeon Level 19 – Where is the king (3)? Drag the man to the pig shelter, use the mirror, discover the demon, attach to it to reveal the king’s location.
IQ Dungeon Level 20 – Get a Bow and Arrow: Drag the cap to the person to get a coin, use the coin to buy a bow and arrow.
IQ Dungeon Level 21 – Defeat All Enemies: Aim and shoot creatures to clear the scene, then target the last creature at the top.
IQ Dungeon Level 22 – Destroy the Slime Wall: Shoot three specific balls of different colors using your three arrows.
IQ Dungeon Level 23 – Defeat All Enemies: Take down both bats, then slide trees, aim, and shoot to win.
IQ Dungeon Level 24 – Destroy the Slime Wall: Pop balloons in this sequence: Pink, Purple, Pink, Green, and Blue.
IQ Dungeon Level 25 – Stop the Water: Pop both eyes of the left statue, tap and hold the second statue to stop the water.
IQ Dungeon Level 26 – Defeat All Enemies: Use arrows to defeat all enemies, reveal the hidden orc, wake the bat, and shoot.
IQ Dungeon Level 27 – Help the Knight: Shoot the horse to escape the orcs’ trap.
IQ Dungeon Level 28 – Get out of the Magic Forest: Drag characters left and right to find an escape path.
IQ Dungeon Level 29 – Defeat All Enemies: Solve the puzzle with the knight and door to defeat orcs.
IQ Dungeon Level 30 – Defeat All Enemies: Shoot bats and use the knight’s shield to hit the second bat.
IQ Dungeon Level 31 – Fix the Hero Statue: Shoot the statue’s head, drag knight with black dress to hit goblin, attach sword-arm to statue, then add helmet and sword to complete.
IQ Dungeon Level 32 – Let’s Make a Potion: Drag yellow jar, pour into bowl, then use blue bottle, cover with cap, shake, and victory appears.
IQ Dungeon Level 33 – Defeat All Enemies with a Single Blow: Tap the electricity button when all enemies are within the yellow circle.
IQ Dungeon Level 34 – Let’s Make a Potion 2: Pour yellow solution, then orange solution into bowl, cover, tap to mix, fill empty jar, pour blue solution, cover, tap to prepare another.
IQ Dungeon Level 35 – Defeat All Enemies with a Single Blow: Drag clouds to align black one above enemies, tap snow button to kill all.
IQ Dungeon Level 36 – Escape From This Difficult Situation: Draw a line surrounding the man to kill all goblins in one go.
IQ Dungeon Level 37 – Let’s Make a Potion 3: Combine Orange, Purple, and Blue solutions to make the potion.
IQ Dungeon Level 38 – Defeat All Enemies with a Single Blow: Bring all trees up, then burn them to defeat enemies.
IQ Dungeon Level 39 – Stop the Water: Drag the stick, draw a line between lamps, complete without lifting, and the “W” stops the water.
IQ Dungeon Level 40 – Help the Heroes: Use a thunderstorm to aid heroes’ crossing, then use another to destroy the path and fend off enemies.
IQ Dungeon Level 41 – Defeat All Enemies: Drag first hero to 1st row, 4th column. Place second hero in 4th row, 3rd column. Deploy last hero in 4th row, 2nd column.
IQ Dungeon Level 42 – Pack up your Items: Position cap on left side. Place sword at bottom of screen. Add bow near cap. Position jar in remaining area.
IQ Dungeon Level 43 – Defeat the Golem: Pinch knight to match Golem’s size.
IQ Dungeon Level 44 – Open the Door: Tap goblins to find key holder. Drag key to door.
IQ Dungeon Level 45 – Defeat All Enemies: Drag first hero to goblin on left. Place older man in 2nd and 4th columns. Deploy knight below snake.
IQ Dungeon Level 46 – Collect Foods for 3 People: Use knight to shoot apple above. Aim for apple on the right. Shoot apple above the knight.
IQ Dungeon Level 47 – Make Ways for Each Group to the Base: Draw “L” line for goblins. Draw another “L” for people. Guide heroes to horse cart.
IQ Dungeon Level 48 – Take the Exit: Light up lamps, wait for enemies to disappear. Light up lamps on right. Return to position, avoid detection. Light lamps on left, escape.
IQ Dungeon Level 49 – Defeat Medusa: Rub shield to make it reflective. Reflect Medusa’s rays back at her.
IQ Dungeon Level 50 – Pack up Your Items: Place hammer on left. Cap at bottom, near hammer. Sword next to cap. Knight suit above sword. Put bottle between cap and knight suit.
IQ Dungeon Level 51 – Defeat All Enemies: Drag first hero to 1st row, 4th column. Place second hero in 4th row, 3rd column. Deploy last hero in 4th row, 2nd column.
IQ Dungeon Level 52 – Find the Entrance to Palace of the Clouds: Hold and drag the candle across the map to find entrance. Burn right side of map.
IQ Dungeon Level 53 – Grow a Tree that Extends to the Palace of the Clouds: Dig land with shovel. Sow sack of seeds, fill with water, give water to plant. Move clouds, drag to flower, then drag dark cloud to plant. Tap magician.
IQ Dungeon Level 54 – Climb and Reach Palace of the Clouds: Tap and hold magician to climb leaves, scroll up screen quickly to reach end.
IQ Dungeon Level 55 – Guide the Magician and the Two Angels Across: Put angels on cloud, take to height, bring blue angel down. Drop pink angel, transport magician up. Bring cloud with blue angel, load second angel, go to upper cloud.
IQ Dungeon Level 56 – Open the Gate to the Palace of the Clouds: Place both angels on pillars. Drag sun right, bring moon up. Draw line to connect five stars. Gate unlocks.
IQ Dungeon Level 57 – Hatch the Dragon Egg: Slide moon right, drag clouds to cover egg. Egg hatches, dragon appears.
IQ Dungeon Level 58 – Fly Dragon: Drag dragon across screen to pick up pillar, release onto dragon. Dragon shrinks and flies.
IQ Dungeon Level 59 – Fly to the Demon Castle: Control dragon, avoid objects, reach castle.
IQ Dungeon Level 60 – Find the Demon Castle: Slide demon until reflection of castle appears. Correct the picture using finger.
IQ Dungeon Level 61 – Open the Door: Tap desk on right, place statues following wall pattern, door opens.
IQ Dungeon Level 62 – Go through the Path: Solve jigsaw puzzle, set path for magician to get key and sword, defeat enemy, escape room.
IQ Dungeon Level 63 – Defeat all Enemies: Deploy 2nd hero in 1st column, 4th row. Deploy magician in 1st row, 1st column. Deploy knight between enemies.
IQ Dungeon Level 64 – Open the Door: Tap device on right, play line game to connect colored dots, door opens.
IQ Dungeon Level 65 – Get Out of the Exit: Drag magician onto knight’s head. Slide blue candle line to freeze enemies.
IQ Dungeon Level 66 – Cross all Your Party to the Other Side: Move first two characters left, bring elevator back with one. Move last character left, take to top. Bring elevator back, drop it off, take two characters from right to top. Remove them, drag one character from left and one from right. Take magician to top, bring other character down.
IQ Dungeon Level 67 – Save the Princess: Open curtains by sliding your finger.
IQ Dungeon Level 68 – Defeat the Demon King Darua: Attack demon with knight, light up 4th lamp with arrow. Draw pattern to light other lamps. Bring demon down with arrow, draw final pattern to defeat monster.
IQ Dungeon Level 69 – Escape from the Demon Castle: Tap chandelier to defeat enemies. Drag all characters to chandelier, draw line from blue candle to magician to push boat, escape room.
IQ Dungeon Level 70 – Save the World: Drag rock to hide heroes, flip phone upside down to defeat evil.
IQ Dungeon Level 71 – Find the Goblin: Remove hat of first character on right to find goblin.
IQ Dungeon Level 72 – Defeat all Enemies: Attack first goblin, use heart to refill bar, attack second goblin, defeat enemies.
IQ Dungeon Level 73 – Defeat the Goblin Archer: Shake or make phone upside down to solve.
IQ Dungeon Level 74 – Find a Goblin: Remove helmet of knight to find goblin.
IQ Dungeon Level 75 – Defeat the Goblin Archer: Tap sword button as arrow approaches.
IQ Dungeon Level 76 – Find a Goblin: Drag stick to drum, goblin appears.
IQ Dungeon Level 77 – Defeat All Enemies: Tap sword button to defeat goblins.
IQ Dungeon Level 78 – Find the Goblin: Drag chicken to house, goblin appears.
IQ Dungeon Level 79 – Defeat All Enemies: Use knight to defeat goblins 1 and 2. Combine characters 1 and 1, then add character 2 to defeat goblin 3.
IQ Dungeon Level 80 – Defeat All Enemies: Drag background to bring villagers, level completes.
IQ Dungeon Level 81 – Find the Darkness: Swipe across screen, evil appears.
IQ Dungeon Level 82 – Rescue the Little Monkey Pepe: Tilt phone, aim with character, shoot rock to drop on orcs.
IQ Dungeon Level 83 – Cross to the Other Side with Dropping all Stones: Follow provided image to cross river.
IQ Dungeon Level 84 – Save Pepe from the Breath of Ouroboros: Drag orc’s cap to cover Pepe.
IQ Dungeon Level 85 – Defeat All Enemies: Aim at shaking tree, shoot to defeat enemies.
IQ Dungeon Level 86 – Find the Little Monkey Pepe: Drag finger to clean area, find Pepe in left-bottom corner.
IQ Dungeon Level 87 – Defeat All Enemies: Place monkey on tree branch to group enemies, shoot arrow to defeat.
IQ Dungeon Level 88 – Cross to the Other Side with Dropping all Stones: Follow provided image to cross river.
IQ Dungeon Level 89 – Defeat the Enemy: Drag tool from orc on mountain to Pepe, cut rope to defeat enemy.
IQ Dungeon Level 90 – Cross to the Other Side with Dropping all Stones: Follow provided image to cross river.
IQ Dungeon Level 91 – Get the Key: Tilt phone, move rope with Pepe to retrieve the key.
IQ Dungeon Level 92 – Defeat All Enemies: Place Pepe on rock, drop stone on monkey. Give equipment to Pepe, defeat remaining enemies.
IQ Dungeon Level 93 – Move to the Cliff on the Other Side: Tilt phone to swing Pepe from rope to rope until reaching the platform.
IQ Dungeon Level 94 – Open the Treasure Chest: Use arrows to create steps, move Pepe to each step. Drag Pepe to treasure chest to open it.
IQ Dungeon Level 95 – Defeat Ouroboros: Use Pepe in bow, release to shoot Ouroboros.
IQ Dungeon Level 96 – Give Ouroboros the Last Meal: Drag snake’s tail to its mouth, then to all three creatures.
IQ Dungeon Level 97 – Get the Water: Zoom out to reveal lake, drag man to the lake.
IQ Dungeon Level 98 – Let’s Separate Potions by Color: Pour green and yellow into empty bottles. Transfer yellow from third to first, blue to third, orange to first.
IQ Dungeon Level 99 – Save the Boy: Drag magic to old man, stick around man on box, hit enemy torturing boy.
IQ Dungeon Level 100 – Let’s Separate Potions by Color: Separate each color into specific bottles.
IQ Dungeon Level 101 – Make the Largest Number: Hold number “6,” turn it upside down with two fingers to make it “9” for the largest number.
IQ Dungeon Level 102 – Escape from the Room: Move boxes to block guards’ paths and create a way for the magician to escape.
IQ Dungeon Level 103 – Sneak into Temple: Drag the sun to bring out the moon, making guards fall asleep, then move the magician to the pathway.
IQ Dungeon Level 104 – Make the Left and Right Weights the Same: Place smallest and largest boxes on right, rest on left. Put magician on right to balance the weight.
IQ Dungeon Level 105 – Advance to the Next Room: Use boxes to trap guards and create an escape path.
IQ Dungeon Level 106 – Advance to the Next Room: Use magician’s spell to create steps to reach the upper floor and exit.
IQ Dungeon Level 107 – Make the Left and Right Side the Same: Break one box into two pieces. Arrange boxes to balance both sides of the weight machine.
IQ Dungeon Level 108 – Open the Door: Select the key with a square design, place arrow on lock to open the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 109 – Advance to the Next Room: Use boxes to trap guards and reach the exit point.
IQ Dungeon Level 110 – Open the Door: Click on the book above the platform, enter “2” as the missing number to unlock the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 111 – Solve the Sphinx Questions: Solve the equations by following the patterns given to determine the missing image: Bird + Fish = Owl, Ant + Bird = Octopus, Bull + Man = Ant
IQ Dungeon Level 112 – The Bigger: Tap and spread the darkness between the octopus and the man to solve the puzzle.
IQ Dungeon Level 113 – Save Princess Charlotte: Break the knight’s armor, then attack the octopus with the sword underwater to save the princess.
IQ Dungeon Level 114 – Go to the Top Floor: Create steps using the magician’s spell to reach the upper floors and exit.
IQ Dungeon Level 115 – Catch a Golden Big Fish: Catch smaller fish first, then bigger ones, and finally the golden fish.
IQ Dungeon Level 116 – Let’s Divide the same shape and size: Select the correct pieces to divide the fish into two equal halves.
IQ Dungeon Level 117 – Connect 4 Ropes: Connect ropes by drawing lines from the first pillar to the last pillar at the top.
IQ Dungeon Level 118 – Connect 4 Ropes to keep Houses: Connect ropes by drawing lines from the top of the screen to keep the houses stable.
IQ Dungeon Level 119 – Defend the Castle: Deploy cannons and increase their numbers to defend against waves of enemies.
IQ Dungeon Level 120 – Move the Ship: Collect four people to paddle and move the ship to complete the level.
IQ Dungeon Level 121 – Going through the Strait: Navigate your boat through the strait, avoiding rocks, and reach the flag.
IQ Dungeon Level 122 – Calm the Storm: Create a boat shape using stars to protect characters from the storm.
IQ Dungeon Level 123 – Finding the Library: Drag the boat to the mountain’s side and hit the arrow button to reach the library.
IQ Dungeon Level 124 – Defend the Castle: Use cannons to defend against waves of enemies, and increase cannon numbers.
IQ Dungeon Level 125 – Reaching the Tower: Use the boat to reach the tower, collecting numbers to increase your score.
IQ Dungeon Level 126 – Getting the Legendary Pegasus Book: Use the monkey and the knight to obtain the book from underwater.
IQ Dungeon Level 127 – Finding Pegasus: Bring the sun behind the mountain to reveal Pegasus.
IQ Dungeon Level 128 – Gordon in Trouble: Attack the dragon with the knight and shoot its eye to save Gordon.
IQ Dungeon Level 129 – Rescuing Patrick: Keep attacking the dragon while avoiding its attacks to save Patrick.
IQ Dungeon Level 130 – Defeating the Kraken: Attack the Kraken with characters to reduce its health to zero and defeat it.
IQ Dungeon Level 131 – Catch a Fish: Use the fishing rod to catch fish by waiting for them to bite.
IQ Dungeon Level 132 – Prepare for the Ceremony: Arrange characters on the rug based on their positions and roles.
IQ Dungeon Level 133 – Escaping Darkness: Drag the character upward to find a rope and escape.
IQ Dungeon Level 134 – Sailing to the Tower: Sail the boat while avoiding dark hands and collecting numbers.
IQ Dungeon Level 135 – Hungry Wolves: Use clocks to put wolves to sleep and enter the tower.
IQ Dungeon Level 136 – Defeat Enemies: Position characters strategically to defeat all enemies on the grid.
IQ Dungeon Level 137 – Exit the Room: Rotate your phone to bring everything upside down and guide heroes to the exit.
IQ Dungeon Level 138 – Tell the Girl About Abel: Connect levels 137 and 138 using the burger icon to let heroes explain the situation.
IQ Dungeon Level 139 – Escape from the Room: Find shapes and unlock the drawer to escape the room.
IQ Dungeon Level 140 – Complete the Word: Attach pieces to the board to complete the word and unlock the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 141 – Rotate your phone to navigate the heroes to the exit door.
IQ Dungeon Level 142 – Strategically position heroes to defeat enemies in two turns.
IQ Dungeon Level 143 – Arrange Roman numeral tiles to solve the multiplication equations.
IQ Dungeon Level 144 – Defeat the Lich-Head by using handles to jump and attack.
IQ Dungeon Level 145 – Find clues by interacting with objects in the room.
IQ Dungeon Level 146 – Use objects to defeat enemies and reveal hidden stairs.
IQ Dungeon Level 147 – Slide the painting to reveal a puzzle and solve it.
IQ Dungeon Level 148 – Collect numbers while avoiding enemies to reach the end.
IQ Dungeon Level 149 – Remove the coffin lid and give the sword to Abel.
IQ Dungeon Level 150 – Use coins to wake up knights and illuminate the area to find the key.
IQ Dungeon Level 151 – Solve the crossword-like puzzle to open the locked door.
IQ Dungeon Level 152 – Position heroes to defeat enemies within limited turns.
IQ Dungeon Level 153 – Navigate the environment using the upside-down technique to reach the exit door.
IQ Dungeon Level 154 – Zoom in on the picture to trigger the final boss battle.
IQ Dungeon Level 155 – Defeat the final boss Lich using special powers and strategy.
IQ Dungeon Level 156 – Interact with characters and objects to bring Abel back to life.
IQ Dungeon Level 157 – Draw a line from the ship to the platform to welcome Prince Bocco.
IQ Dungeon Level 158 – Guide the elephant through the maze by using the walls to direct its path.
IQ Dungeon Level 159 – Serve the food that Prince Bocco requests by dragging the correct dishes to the plate.
IQ Dungeon Level 160 – Tap on the King’s bubble and then drag the knight to it to reveal Princess Charlotte’s feelings.
IQ Dungeon Level 161 – Drag the King’s chair to discover stairs. Move the knight to the stairs to find Princess Charlotte.
IQ Dungeon Level 162 – Move the bed to block the door, then give the whistle to Princess Charlotte to call a unicorn for escape.
IQ Dungeon Level 163 – Choose the sequence of numbers: +3, +5, +10, -5, x3, x1/2, and -20.
IQ Dungeon Level 164 – Complete the jigsaw puzzle to help Princess Charlotte get ready for the wedding.
IQ Dungeon Level 165 – Serve 20 dishes to Prince Bocco according to his requests.
IQ Dungeon Level 166 – Feed Prince Bocco food from the ground, wait for his tongue to stick out, then grab and pull it to defeat the monster.
IQ Dungeon Level 167 – Dress the knight in the pot, dip him again to make him delicious, then feed him to the monster. Tap the monster to attach the knight and defeat it.
IQ Dungeon Level 168 – Tap the knight and drag the heart to the paper to change the laws and complete the level.
IQ Dungeon Level 169 – Solve the jigsaw puzzle to complete the image and proceed with the proposal.
IQ Dungeon Level 170 – Place the characters in their designated circles according to the instructions to prepare for the wedding.
IQ Dungeon Level 171 – Tap the correct arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen to avoid attacks from the evil king.
IQ Dungeon Level 172 – Solve the jigsaw puzzle on the table to uncover the enemy’s identity.
IQ Dungeon Level 173 – Rub the orbs quickly to make all six orbs shine simultaneously.
IQ Dungeon Level 174 – Tap the orb to emit rays on the map and stop them at the correct locations to solve the puzzle.
IQ Dungeon Level 175 – Connect the dots to complete the star-shaped puzzle.
IQ Dungeon Level 176 – Tap and hold the magician, then tap the sixth image to reveal the real witch.
IQ Dungeon Level 177 – Draw a line between the blue torch and the magician’s stick to freeze the birds and create steps to climb.
IQ Dungeon Level 178 – Rotate the rings on the door to create the proper shape and unlock it.
IQ Dungeon Level 179 – Use the character on the right side to aim and shoot arrows to kill both mice guarding the circuits.
IQ Dungeon Level 180 – Use the second character to aim and shoot arrows at the mice guarding the circuits to unlock the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 181 – Tap the door and solve the puzzle by dragging the pieces to their proper places.
IQ Dungeon Level 182 – Drag a line between the left torch and the magician’s stick. Place the magician on the right-side ice block. Hold the hole to stop water flow and guide the rat to light torches. Drag the knight to light the torch, then use the second character to shoot the moving flame to light up the other area and reach the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 183 – Tap the door platform and repeat the light sequence on the snakes using the buttons below them.
IQ Dungeon Level 184 – Tap the board on the right side of the door to start a mini-game. Drag puzzle pieces to complete the maze and unlock the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 185 – Use the character with the bow and arrow to light the torches on both sides by releasing arrows at the right moments.
IQ Dungeon Level 186 – Place Gordon on the top of the switch on the right side to move the pulley. Use the blue flame to freeze the spinning part of the pulley, then use the red flame to melt the ice and reach the top.
IQ Dungeon Level 187 – Tap the desk and repeat the light sequence on the snakes using the buttons below them. Repeat the process as needed to complete the level.
IQ Dungeon Level 188 – Use the red flame to melt the ice without door keys, then freeze the right pulley with the blue flame. Melt the ice to get a key and unlock the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 189 – Read the book, drag the magician to the crystals, connect torches following the pattern from the book to wake up the Ice Witch.
IQ Dungeon Level 190 – Drag the knight to light torches, hold the hole to guide the rat to light the second torch, use the arrows to attack the moving flame and light the other area, then go through the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 191 – Drag the cloud from another level and tap it on this level to freeze the mouse.
IQ Dungeon Level 192 – Drag the knight to the mouse and use the warrior’s arrow to attach and defeat the monster.
IQ Dungeon Level 193 – Tap the Menu and select the warrior between Level 192 and 193. Shoot the arrow at the ice to melt it, then tap the Ice Witch to complete the level.
IQ Dungeon Level 194 – Drag the background to turn day into night, draw a line crossing stars as indicated, and end the line on the witch’s stick to destroy the monster.
IQ Dungeon Level 195 – Tap the door, solve the mini-game by connecting dots to complete the shape following the number sequence.
IQ Dungeon Level 196 – Find and tap on Pepe among the monkeys.
IQ Dungeon Level 197 – Solve the math problem by entering the value 16.
IQ Dungeon Level 198 – Fight spiders and follow the images provided to successfully escape the forest.
IQ Dungeon Level 199 – Set the numbers on the board as shown in the provided image.
IQ Dungeon Level 200 – Drag the parrot to different trees to collect items, tie the rope, and guide Pepe to the top of the cliff.
IQ Dungeon Level 201 – Drag and adjust the blocks of different shapes to create a path for Pepe to reach the top of the cliff.
IQ Dungeon Level 202 – Choose the correct dice and place them on the board to match the required pattern and open the door to the ruins.
IQ Dungeon Level 203 – Follow the path as indicated: Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Up, Up, Left, Left, Left, Left, Up, Up, and Up to cross to the other side.
IQ Dungeon Level 204 – Drag the step down to open the door, then drag it back up to reopen the door and allow Pepe to escape.
IQ Dungeon Level 205 – Follow the path as indicated: Up, Right, Up, Left 2x, Up 2x, Right 2x, Up, Left, and Up to get the required numbers and advance to the next room
IQ Dungeon Level 206 – Set lines on the last diagram on the door as shown in the image.
IQ Dungeon Level 207 – Time your jumps to reach the second platform as it comes close to the first one.
IQ Dungeon Level 208 – Drag your finger across the screen to untangle the string.
IQ Dungeon Level 209 – Drag the parrot to the dialog box at the top to find the key, then use the key to unlock the cage.
IQ Dungeon Level 210 – Follow the path: Left, Up, Right, Up, Up, Left, Up, Right, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, and Up to cross to the other side.
IQ Dungeon Level 211 – Tap the second step on the right and left to advance to the next room.
IQ Dungeon Level 212 – Help Pepe jump on the tiles with the specific numbers to collect them and reach the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 213 – Tap the door and draw lines on the diagram to solve the puzzle.
IQ Dungeon Level 214 – Tap the button to help Pepe jump between platforms, grab the key, and reach the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 215 – Tap the door and untangle the string to unlock it.
IQ Dungeon Level 216 – Use the parrot to drop the treasure chest on Pepe’s head from a height to open it.
IQ Dungeon Level 217 – Drag the parrot to the painting above the door, find the clue, and arrange the statues on the grid-based map accordingly.
IQ Dungeon Level 218 – Move the monkeys aside to clear the way for the glowing blocks and place the trophies on the pedestals.
IQ Dungeon Level 219 – Attack the evil with Pepe and then use the parrot to drop Pepe on top of the evil to defeat it.
IQ Dungeon Level 220 – Tap the window and untangle the string to help the princess escape the room.
IQ Dungeon Level 221 – Hold both doors using your fingers and pull them open.
IQ Dungeon Level 222 – Drag puzzle pieces onto the empty area to complete the manor map.
IQ Dungeon Level 223 – Drag photos on the wall and tap the icons behind them individually to open the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 224 – Follow the pattern mentioned in the image to reach the exit point.
IQ Dungeon Level 225 – Tap the painting above the door to reveal a stand with candles. Drag the lit candles to light all stands except the first two from the left.
IQ Dungeon Level 226 – Place each gemstone on the left and right side to see the numbers.
IQ Dungeon Level 227 – Drag the first, third, and fourth buttons to the third, last, and second positions to open the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 228 – Drag the king up to the candle stand, melt the ice in a painting for a key, and use the key to open the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 229 – Defeat waves of ghosts using the upward and downward buttons.
IQ Dungeon Level 230 – Spot the differences between the two scenes as highlighted in the image.
IQ Dungeon Level 231 – Lead the king to the exit point by following the path shown in the image.
IQ Dungeon Level 232 – Tap the box on the table and set the images Moon, Sun, Rainbow, Moon. Pick up the gem, use it on the door to open it.
IQ Dungeon Level 233 – Drag the king onto the cute ghost a few times, get the key from it, and use it to open the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 234 – Swipe the screen right, drop the king onto the painting, move the king to the right and bring the candle stand, climb the stairs, and go left to complete the level.
IQ Dungeon Level 235 – Drag the king to the left to get a lantern, use the lantern to create darkness when ghosts come near, get the key, and open the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 236 – Drag the gem from the top of the screen to the door to open it.
IQ Dungeon Level 237 – Mute your device or decrease the volume to solve the puzzle.
IQ Dungeon Level 238 – Drop the ghost on the plate above the door, drop the king on the plate on the right side floor, and tap the left side plate to open the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 239 – Set the coins to their respective places to open the secret door.
IQ Dungeon Level 240 – Shake the phone to wake the king, get the lantern from the left table, go right and interact with the rainbow painting, then go right again to complete the level.
IQ Dungeon Level 241 – Crack the Code: Triangle-Square-Circle.
IQ Dungeon Level 242 – Solve the Riddle: Pencil.
IQ Dungeon Level 243 – Navigate the Labyrinth: Circle-Triangle-Square.
IQ Dungeon Level 244 – Mend the Broken Bridge: Repair bridge with planks.
IQ Dungeon Level 245 – Restore the Painting: Arrange torn pieces for key and door.
IQ Dungeon Level 246 – Play the Melody: Follow sheet music on piano.
IQ Dungeon Level 247 – Solve the Chess Puzzle: Execute checkmate moves.
IQ Dungeon Level 248 – Arrange the Crystals: Match crystals to colored symbols: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Green.
IQ Dungeon Level 249 – Decode the Cipher: Use Caesar cipher with shift of 3.
IQ Dungeon Level 250 – Solve the Tangram Puzzle: Rearrange tangram for key shape.
IQ Dungeon Level 251 – Navigate the Maze: Find path to maze exit, avoid traps.
IQ Dungeon Level 252 – Arrange the Gems: Place gems in order of colors: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow.
IQ Dungeon Level 253 – Decode the Ancient Script: Translate symbols to letters: WATERFALL.
IQ Dungeon Level 254 – Untangle the Threads: Drag threads to untangle the mess.
IQ Dungeon Level 255 – Complete the Circuit: Connect wires to light up bulbs.
IQ Dungeon Level 256 – Assemble the Machine: Attach parts to create functioning device.
IQ Dungeon Level 257 – Find the Missing Piece: Search room for hidden piece, complete puzzle.
IQ Dungeon Level 258 – Crack the Safe: Solve number sequence: 325641.
IQ Dungeon Level 259 – Arrange the Books: Organize books by author’s last name.
IQ Dungeon Level 260 – Solve the Enigma: Match symbols to corresponding letters: CAT.
IQ Dungeon Level 261 – Master the Obstacle Course: Navigate traps, reach finish line.
IQ Dungeon Level 262 – Repair the Clock: Place gears in correct order to fix clock.
IQ Dungeon Level 263 – Assemble the Map: Combine torn map pieces, reveal destination.
IQ Dungeon Level 264 – Solve the Light Puzzle: Activate buttons to light up the grid.
IQ Dungeon Level 265 – Navigate the River: Cross river by placing stones strategically.
IQ Dungeon Level 266 – Mend the Fabric: Sew torn fabric back together.
IQ Dungeon Level 267 – Arrange the Numbers: Reorder numbers to follow sequence: 31245.
IQ Dungeon Level 268 – Decode the Hieroglyphics: Translate symbols to words: SUN, EYE, BIRD.
IQ Dungeon Level 269 – Solve the Tile Puzzle: Slide tiles to form complete picture.
IQ Dungeon Level 270 – Untangle the Vines: Rotate tiles to untangle vines and reveal key.
IQ Dungeon Level 271 – Crack the Symbol Code: Decode symbols to letters: DOOR.
IQ Dungeon Level 272 – Arrange the Planets: Place planets in order from the sun.
IQ Dungeon Level 273 – Align the Mirrors: Rotate mirrors to direct light beam to exit.
IQ Dungeon Level 274 – Connect the two identical dots without letting them touch any other lines.
IQ Dungeon Level 275 – Drag the dragon to the top of the castle, drop a block of bricks, use the bricks to lift the door, and get everyone inside the castle.
IQ Dungeon Level 276 – Drag the knight to the spider, pick up the shield with the parrot, shoot the spider with the arrow and bow.
IQ Dungeon Level 277 – Drag the torch to the monkey, light all surrounding torches with the dragon’s flame, draw a pattern with the torch to release the wizard’s magic to defeat the spider.
IQ Dungeon Level 278 – Drag characters and drop them on the symbols as shown in the image.
IQ Dungeon Level 279 – Solution not provided.
IQ Dungeon Level 280 – Follow the steps mentioned to go through the pathways and light the torches to exit the level.
IQ Dungeon Level 281 – Light all the torches around the gate using the dragon to open the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 282 – Connect the eyes on the strange creature to open the Eye Seal.
IQ Dungeon Level 283 – Shoot the arrow towards the tile next to you to defeat all enemies.
IQ Dungeon Level 284 – Release the arrow to defeat all enemies next to your nearby shields.
IQ Dungeon Level 285 – Tap the boxes in the order shown after clicking the “Play” button and then tap the eye button to open the Eye Seal.
IQ Dungeon Level 286 – Move the boxes, get the sword, and defeat enemies.
IQ Dungeon Level 287 – Move the blocks, get the sword, and defeat enemies.
IQ Dungeon Level 288 – Follow the pattern of open and closed eyes to solve the puzzle and open the Eye Seal.
IQ Dungeon Level 289 – Control the parrot, collect hearts, and defeat enemies with fewer hearts than you.
IQ Dungeon Level 290 – Control the parrot, collect hearts, and defeat enemies with fewer hearts than you.
IQ Dungeon Level 291 – Tap the Seal, set the triangles in the zoom view following the pattern, and open the door.
IQ Dungeon Level 292 – Draw a line from the light to the wizard’s feet to bridge the gap.
IQ Dungeon Level 293 – Draw a line from the light under the evil creature to prevent it from attacking the wizard.
IQ Dungeon Level 294 – Tap specific buttons to solve the puzzle and open the Seal Eye.
IQ Dungeon Level 295 – Control the dragon, avoid clouds, and collect points while flying to the castle.

Feel free to reach out if you need more detailed explanations for any specific level!

About IQ Dungeon:

IQ Dungeon is an exciting RPG game that challenges players’ logical and imaginative thinking. With over 300 levels filled with tricky puzzles, classic puzzles, and more, it’s a game that exercises your brainpower in a fun and engaging way.

Embark on a journey to a unique world where your intellect and adventure skills are tested. Will you be able to save the world with your brilliant mind?


With its diverse range of puzzles and challenges, IQ Dungeon provides an immersive gaming experience that caters to puzzle lovers and adventurers alike. Take on the role of a clever hero and conquer all 300 levels to prove that the world needs your brain!
