Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur had a legendary feud while they were alive, and now it seems to be continuing more 20 years after their respective deaths only a few months apart. Less than two weeks after it was reported that the BMW Tupac was shot and killed in was being sold by celebrity memorabilia auction house Moments In Time, TMZ reported that Biggie's death car is also being sold by the same people, and for the same amount: $1.5 million.

Biggie was shot in March of 1997 in the 1997 GMC Suburban in question, the previous owners of which bought the car from a broker just seven months later. Interestingly, they were completely ignorant of its historical status until they learned the truth in 2005, when a detective with the Los Angeles Police Department contacted them regarding the wrongful death trial being conducted at that time. Now, despite the fact that it has at least 114,000 miles on the odometer and a bullet hole in the passenger-side seat belt, it's being sold to the first collector willing to drop a million and a half bucks on it.

Like the Tupac death car, Notorious B.I.G.'s tragically fated Suburban has been at least somewhat restored, and its bullet-ridden door replaced, with only the aforementioned bullet hole standing as direct evidence of its deadly history. The door was replaced before that October 1997 purchase, but it seems that the SUV's next owners took pretty good care of it, even before they realized they had a potential cash cow on their hands. Hopefully for fans invested in the longstanding Biggie vs Pac debate, both of these ghoulish collector's items will sell at the same price, and in a reasonably equivalent time frame – that way, the debate can continue indefinitely.
