22 hours ago, endure said:

Brennan is a psycho - I would give up if I were Emily, he is so controlling and controlled, it's just creepy watching him try to interact with anyone, Emily, her friends, Pia, even talking to Austin.  He should never have thought he could be on a TV show.

He is uncomfortable being on tv, but also - who is scripting his conversations?  If Emily did indeed get blackout drunk, tear down the shower curtain trying to join him and then passed out on him in the bed it should be discussed with "Dr Pia"!  Or at least with his supposed best friend!  Instead his convo with his friend was all about him "being in his head" - a 21st century phrase that is rapidly becoming my least favorite, BTW! 😡. That's not how people talk to their friends, for starters, and based on Emily's honeymoon behavior I am inclined to believe him, in spite of the fact that he's a dick.  Someone in charge of this show has to see that him saying that on the afterparty does not work with how he talked with his friend and "Dr. Pia" tonight.

22 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Dayum! Keshia has gotten a lot of hate, but she is more than holding her own with Emily, who is being a bitch this evening. Go Keshia.

She did well, and I'm not a Keisha hater, but she lost a few points from me for not asking about the Shower Curtain Incident.

15 hours ago, shok said:

Can you give us a summary of what was said? Some of us don't get the After Party show so all the posts about what was said or done are meaningless to us. Much appreciated.


6 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I missed the Afterparty, so what did Emily say about what Becca said?

Emily said that Brennan is so different off camera - scarily pacing in circles, throwing things at walls, etc.  She says that before or after their fun soccer day he was scary and mean - Keisha asked what happened to make him be mean and Emily took umbrage and haughtily told Keisha that she should be asking better questions.  Keisha told her that she was asking questions so that we could understand what Emily claimed was happening that we could not see.  They went back and forth and Emily calmed down, but never did say what exactly happened that made him be mean.

When Keisha asked Austin about his sexy times with Becca, because that was their focus tonight, Emily chimed in with a tale that Becca had put the moves on Austin, only to be shoved off with a "Hey, horny girl!' comment - Austin's defense was that he was trying to be funny 😳. Keisha informed Emily that each person was allowed to disclose what they wanted and no more - Emily rolled her eyes.  Then when they discussed the few pecks given by Austin to Becca on the rose-petaled bed, Emily snorted that the minute the door closed the sexy times were over!  (😂). She also asked him whose idea the rose petals REALLY were, and snorted again when he claimed it was all him.  Michael did interject that constant discussion about when sex will happen can disrupt the "erotic energy" (or something like that) - which actually made sense to me and I agreed with.  But at this point I think it's too late for him and Becca.

I do not go around calling everyone gay, and to my musician friends who think they have "good gaydar" my response is "It's not good gaydar when you call everyone gay 😄" but I'm heading there now with Austin.  Your wife wants to have sex with you so you take her to make terrariums with little naked figurines?  Sorry, that's more than just wanting to know someone better before you have sex.  And if he's just trying to keep her at bay until decision day, rose petals and candles without following up doesn't work either.  

As for Emily - my guess is that she was pre-gaming the show tonight and was buzzed enough to get angry with Keisha and challenge Austin on Becca's behalf!  She did look good though 😄
