15 hours ago, Gobi said:

I would question that. I think I that those with Asbergers (or whatever it's called now) wouldn't use it as an excuse because they simply don't realize that they are behaving badly.


13 hours ago, Lellend said:

About a fourth of my career in mental health has been working with people on the spectrum. I can assure everyone here that being a jerk is not a symptom nor in any way associated with having ASD. Please associate anectodal experiences with the person and not the disorder, as doing the latter only hurts others who are also on the spectrum. Discrimination is real, don’t perpetuate it. 

I personally didn't say they were all that way.  I believe I said I knew a "few" who were like that - all were members of a large internet forum I belonged to a while back, and was an admin for a time.  They all would behave badly, make inappropriate comments, etc.  I understand that people with Aspergers have issues with social ques -  I get that 100% - but there were others we suspected but never confirmed they had it, and if we talked to them, told them they needed to be more aware, etc, they were generally pretty good about it.  One was a really nice person, but had a habit of posting their address, addresses of friends, and using inappropriate emoji (like a laughing face when someone said their mother passed away).  She had issues with her dad and also posted on that thread that she was jealous because she wished her dad would die....soon.  With her, we put her on a thing where her posts were moderated, and we corrected issues before they went out, and she never noticed they were edited.  But there were three that stood out, and I'm 100% convinced they were raised by parents who told them that nothing was their fault because they had Asperger's.  One would go around berating anyone who didn't treat people he thought were "fellow Aspies" (his term) with kid gloves.  One person came to me in private and confirmed they had it, but didn't appreciate his outing them.  Some came to me and said they didn't have it, and didn't like him saying they did.  The second one was constantly reporting other posters for things they said that she didn't like.  She reported people who said they were atheists.  She would private message me and demand I remove these people from the forum.  Any attempt to get her to calm down would bring a barrage of 4 letter words.  If you threatened to suspend her, she'd remind you she had Aspergers, and she had legal protection.  When she surfaced on FB, I blocked her.  She was private messaging friends of friends to tell them how horrible they were.  The last one was a nice guy on the surface, but he would be prone to fits of just being out and out rude to people, and any blowback would get replied to with "I have Asperger's and I'm not responsible for what I say".  He eventually changed his signature to "Asperger's....not responsible for my actions".  So no, I don't judge all people with the same brush, but there are some who make their fellow people look bad by comparison.

1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Sped teacher here - I have never caught an ASD vibe from Asuelo, he just seems very chill and young for his age, like he needs to grow up some.  Okay, maybe grow up A LOT.  Kalani - she is just straight up spoiled, entitled and waaaaay too enmeshed with her family.  She seems very immature too - I am used to seeing females act like her on tc but they are 16 or 17 not 30.

Kalani is this season's Chantal.
