The ‘Through My Window’ films are based on the ‘Hidalgos’ series of books by Ariana Godoy, though ‘Through My Window: Across the Sea’ isn’t an adaptation of Godoy’s second book, ‘A través de ti.’ The main narrative revolves around Ares Hidalgo (Julio Peña) and Raquel (Clara Galle) and their constantly evolving relationship. Ares’ older brother, Artemis (Eric Masip), and his younger brother, Apolo (Hugo Arbues), are the main characters in different books, but they are relegated to important supporting characters in the films. The relationship between Artemis and Claudia (Emilia Lazo) serves as an important subplot in ‘Through My Window: Across the Sea.’ SPOILERS AHEAD.

Artemis and Claudia’s Secret Love Story

Claudia is an employee of the Hidalgo family and works at their estate. The audience is introduced to her when Raquel visits the Hidalgo home in the first film. She later spots Claudia and Artemis kissing. The two of them have kept their relationship a secret, and it becomes increasingly apparent that it was Artemis’ decision. As the oldest scion of the Hidalgo business empire, he has imposed upon himself certain behavioral patterns, even if they directly go against his beliefs and desire for happiness. Artemis has genuine feelings for Claudia but is afraid of how his parents and society at large will react to their relationship.

One can argue that Artemis is imposing his classist mindset on society, but he doesn’t act this way in a vacuum. He knows his parents will not approve of the relationship, so he keeps it a secret. In ‘Through My Window: Across the Sea,’ Ares arrives at his family’s beach property at Port d’Esclanyà with Raquel to discover that Artemis and Claudia are already there. Although he has never told his brothers about his secret relationship, it is quite apparent that both Ares and Apolo are aware of it. It is so obvious that Claudia points it out to Artemis after he hides behind the bed when Apolo comes looking for him.

As the film progresses, Claudia grows increasingly dissatisfied with the secrecy of their relationship. Although Artemis promises to speak to his parents, it never seems to be the right time. Claudia is forbidden to have red hair, as Artemis’ mother also has red hair, and she doesn’t want people to think they are related. In this film, Claudia changes her hair color, and when Artemis visits her, he spots her kissing someone and completely misconstrues their relationship.

Later, when Claudia comes to work, he humiliates her by making her pour a drink and spilling the said drink so that she will have to clean it. When Artemis’ mother asks Claudia about her hair, the latter points out that the other woman’s hair color is currently not red, so she doesn’t need to fear that people will believe that they are related. This prompts Artemis to fire Claudia.

While visiting the San Juan festival, Artemis runs into the man he thinks he saw Claudia kissing and his wife and realizes his mistake. He visits Claudia’s home to ask for her forgiveness and cleans her floor to show that he can be more than a Hidalgo heir, but it isn’t enough. Artemis and Claudia eventually reconcile at Yoshi’s funeral. They hold hands in front of Artemis’ parents, letting them know about their relationship.
